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LA Breakers Poker Night and Silent Auction
Saturday, August 26, 2023

This is a Texas Hold Em No Limit poker tournament. Each participant begins with the same amount of chips, and may rebuy more entries throughout the night to continue participating in the tournament when or if they run out of chips.


The tournament will conclude when one person is left with chips remaining. The winner and best finishers (1st place, 2nd place, 3rd place, etc.) will be awarded prizes at the end of the event.


Prizes - including discounted registration fees for the 2024-25 season - will be published at a later date!


Each table is managed by a professional dealer, with a tournament director managing the event. The dealers will help teach and coach as needed, allowing participants of all skill and experience levels - whether you're a veteran or a novice - to enjoy a fun, charity event.


Basic Tournament guidelines and FAQ’s


What game are we playing?

No Limit Texas Hold’em. It’s the same game you see on TV.


Do I need to know how to play to participate?

It helps to have a basic knowledge of the game. We will offer lessons for 30 minutes before the tournament starts to help refresh your memory.


I don’t always remember if a flush beats a straight? Can I write it down?

We have hand ranking cards available for anyone who wants one.


Can I leave early if I have other plans and just give my chips to my friend?

If you choose to leave while you still have chips they will be picked up and taken out of play. It’s not fair to the other players for one person to receive this “gift.”


Can you explain rebuys?

A rebuy is an opportunity for the player to donate more money to the cause and get a predetermined amount of additional chips. In order to be fair players must be at or below a predetermined amount of chips to be eligible to rebuy.


What’s a double rebuy?

A double rebuy is twice the cost for twice the chips. This is usually only available if the player has lost all of their chips.


If I lose all my chips can I take a break before I decide to rebuy?

No. Players must decide to rebuy before the next hand is dealt. Again, it isn't fair to the other players that you are taking a break while they are placing their chips at risk.


What is an add-on?

The add-on is available at the break ONLY and is an opportunity for any player still in the tournament to purchase more chips regardless of how many chips they already have.


Can I sit with my friends?

Seats are drawn at random to keep things fair for all players.


I sponsored another person who didn’t show up. Can I have their chips?

If your friend has not arrived by the break please explain the situation to your Tournament Director  who will determine the fairest way to handle things.


Can I come later? What if I am late?

We will seat new players up to the end of the break. After the break no one else can enter the tournament.


What are some other rules I might not know?

Cell phones are allowed on the table as long as they don’t slow the game or cause a distraction.

Foul language is discouraged.

Players may not show their cards or discuss their cards until the hand is over. Showing cards, telling players what you folded or making comments about another players holdings is strictly prohibited.


What kind of penalty will these infractions get me?

We do our best to correct the situation and keep everyone playing happily however players who cause repeated problems may be asked to sit out a hand, a round or in extreme cases to leave the tournament all together.



The Poker People staff are there to make sure that the game is fair and that everyone has the same opportunities.  Smoking is never allowed at the table.  All players and staff must be treated with respect.  TPP reserves the righty to end its participation in the event at any point.


www.ThePokerPeople.com      310 402-3838



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